This picture is from a few weeks ago. I love it! It shows the mischievous character of Z. He is always up to something, he was sneaking out the door here. He keeps me on my toes that's for sure. I was thinking that today would be low activity, since Z was up at 4:30 am vomitting all over my bed. Yes, I know what I just wrote, MY BED! So at 4:30 am I had to put the screaming/was nursing baby down, clean the boy and change him, strip the bed, clean the bed off, take the bedding to the laundry room in the very cold basement, start a load(that include little boy's favorite blue blanket), make the bed and get boy to settle back down, without blue blanket. All of this was done while hubby slept soundly on the spare bed upstairs, because we were all bothering his sleep already. What was my point, oh that's right. So when Z woke at 9:30, I was the only one that was on low activity. How do they do it? Sick one minute, tornadoes the next. At least the house is still standing and everyone is still breathing. Anyway, while the baby slept and I tried to rest on the couch Z decided he wasn't going to watch the cartoon he insisted that he needed on, no instead he some how covered every clear piece of flooring with what ever he could find. Did I really need to close my eyes for 10minutes? And was I out that much or is he that quiet? I'm hoping tonight will be better. I have MOPS tomorrow, I am hoping to get there.

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Conrad said...

Wait a second!!!! Don't leave out the details of what traspired that night. I went upstairs to sleep so I could get some sleep because I was going back to work the next day after being off for 2 days sick and vommiting. Nor did you inform that you decided that it would be better not to wake me because you thouht I needed my sleep for work. After being informed of the said event I empatheticly said why didn't you wake me up. Please give all info. than make it to seem that I was not around and unavailible

Melanie, Who am I ? said...

Touchy, touchy! Are you feeling guilty? ;-)

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Sugar and Spice

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I never know what to say about me, it seems strange like you are trying to sell yourself. Funny! So, I am a SAHM of 2 beautiful children, Z who is 3 1/2 and A who is 6 months. We live a wild life and love to spend time with friends. I enjoy going to MOPS and going out for coffee. More impotantly I am a child of God and lover of Christ. Always striving to spread his love.

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