
I have been really pondering life a lot lately. I can remember a time when I felt so confident and ready for the world, not many things slowed me down. Now a days is a different story. It takes everything I have to get myself and the 2 little ones, up, dressed, fed and on task or out the door. I have spent more days then I would like to admit in my pjs, doing minimal the whole day. So how do I get out of this rut, I'm not quite sure yet, but I think it starts with spending time with the All Mighty. I have found that in the busyness of mothering that I have neglected that very important relationship, the one with MY Savior. With out him, I am nothing, with out him I am just a shell of a person barely making it through each day. I so desire to have a life glorifying to God and an example of who Christ is. So starting now, my only options is to be in the WORD, learn what that means daily. I encourage you to also seek out what God has to say daily. This is my new/current fav song, it so explains where I am at.

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I hear you. We do need to just spend more time in the word. Thanks again for reminding me of that.

Tara said...

Check your email. TK

Alice the Brit said...

I love this song, who is it sung by?

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Miss A

Miss A
Sugar and Spice

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I never know what to say about me, it seems strange like you are trying to sell yourself. Funny! So, I am a SAHM of 2 beautiful children, Z who is 3 1/2 and A who is 6 months. We live a wild life and love to spend time with friends. I enjoy going to MOPS and going out for coffee. More impotantly I am a child of God and lover of Christ. Always striving to spread his love.

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