I am smarter then a 5th grader!

You are 90% Smarter than a fifth grader.

You are smarter than a fifth grader. no doubt. There is no need for you to retake school. Keep on doing your brain excersise like sudokus and crossword puzzles, and you'll soon be smarter than a sixth grader! Good work!

are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

This was fun. At least I can remember my elementary education or at least some of it.

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4under3 said...

Wo...way to go... Which one did you get wrong?? And will you please come over and brag about your high score at swanson6?

Tara said...

Oops. I only got 80%. I stink! I always kinda' figgered u waz smarter 'n me.

Tara said...

Oh yeah, look at your title. "I am smarter than a 5th grade!" Maybe so, but your typing may not be! ;) LYLAS!

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I never know what to say about me, it seems strange like you are trying to sell yourself. Funny! So, I am a SAHM of 2 beautiful children, Z who is 3 1/2 and A who is 6 months. We live a wild life and love to spend time with friends. I enjoy going to MOPS and going out for coffee. More impotantly I am a child of God and lover of Christ. Always striving to spread his love.

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