
So, last night Z wouldn't go to sleep, he just sat in bed talking away. About and hour and a half after being put to bed he tells me he needs to potty, I tell him to do his business. While in doing his business he announces to me that I need to fix his p----, it is broken, trying not to laugh I say what do you mean. He says, "there is a hole in it and it is broken you need to fix it!" I explain that he needs the hole to do his business, he seems satisfied with that explanation for now. Boys! I'm not sure I am going to know what to always say about things like this!

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Tara said...

If the conversation had continued in our house I would have told him to talk to Daddy about it. Since I don't have *one* I am not the expert in the house, Daddy is. Works for me!

Melanie, Who am I ? said...

I'm afraid of what Daddy might tell him! =)

Conrad said...

I would have told him the reason that he needs it and that if he does not p he will have to go on dialisis etc etc or just said it the way mel did.

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I never know what to say about me, it seems strange like you are trying to sell yourself. Funny! So, I am a SAHM of 2 beautiful children, Z who is 3 1/2 and A who is 6 months. We live a wild life and love to spend time with friends. I enjoy going to MOPS and going out for coffee. More impotantly I am a child of God and lover of Christ. Always striving to spread his love.

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