Why at the Mall????

So today the hubby, Mr.Z and Little Miss A and I went out to run a few errands and play some. One of our stops was the local mall, Mr Z loves to play with Thomas at the Barnes & Noble. While sitting watching him play little Miss A. decided that she should vomit all over the stroller. Poor girl looked bad too. I got her up, cleaned her and offered a little mommy milk, she feel asleep. Shortly after that we head for the car. She woke and vomit all over me and herself, we caught all of it with our clothes and the blanket so at least I didn't slip on it. We went to the family restroom were the hubby could help me get us cleaned up a little, I had to take off my blouse, thankfully I had a tank top on underneath, and at least the wind chill isn't -50 today. Little Miss was very wet at this point, but I didn't pack a second outfit, my mom is probably saying to herself, "I told her she should carry a change of clothes for those kids!" We left the restroom with a pile of paper towels and rushed for the door. Daddy took Mr. Z, the stroller and all our stuff and left to get the car. I sat with Little Miss A and received more vomit surprises while I tried to coat her and myself. Needless to say we both were stripped and changed when we got home. Poor girl is still not feeling well. I'm sure it will be a long night!

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4under3 said...

Oh no!! What was it? Is she ok now? You should win "Mops Mom's Moment" with that one.
I'd be up for Pips tomorrow morning around 10:45/11'ish, but if you think next week would be better for miss A, that would work too.

Tara said...

Yack! See you next week and hope that mine didn't catch it from yours!

Amy said...

What a small world...
I just linked to you from a comment you left at "Tiffany's"...
and noticed your link on the left about Kate Snodgrass.

She's from here. My sister heard about her & had asked me to pray for Kate (this after finding Kate's caringbridge page. Then to show you what an even smaller world it is, my sister was in the waiting room in Dec. when Kate underwent her surgery (my sister wasn't here for Kate, but someone else) & sat among Kate's family.

Anyway, I was shocked to see that. The internet connects us all!


Kim said...

I have actually been introduced to your blog through TIffany as well!

Hope Miss A is feeling better, there is definitely somethnig that has been going around and it hasn't been pretty.

I too am with Melaleuca and was wondering how you are liking it and if you can educate me more on a "Toxic Teaparty" if you would.

Thanks a bunch,

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Miss A

Miss A
Sugar and Spice

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I never know what to say about me, it seems strange like you are trying to sell yourself. Funny! So, I am a SAHM of 2 beautiful children, Z who is 3 1/2 and A who is 6 months. We live a wild life and love to spend time with friends. I enjoy going to MOPS and going out for coffee. More impotantly I am a child of God and lover of Christ. Always striving to spread his love.

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